Mystery Solved
The brown Creative Trail Gallery road signs at the junction of the A986 and Netherbrough Road to help guide visitors to the gallery on Netherbrough Road were missing on Wednesday morning last week when we arrived to open up. Following a visit by the local constabulary, the conclusion is that the signs have been hit by a high-sided vehicle, causing the fixing clips to sheer. We are so glad that this incident has turned out to have a non-malicious cause.
We have been busy printing more new images to hang in the gallery – A3 prints for the big metal door and stretched canvases along one of the side walls, including a series of Birds of the Brough – puffins, cormorants, razor bills and oyster catchers seen at the Brough of Birsay.
There is also a long panorama, formed of five separate images, showing the extent of the traditional Tsonga fish traps built in the Kosi Bay estuary, Tongaland, South Africa.
We now have a few items on display at The Harray Potter and Birsay Books.
We have welcomed a few seasonal visitors this month and hope to continue doing so in October.